Thursday 22 May 2008

P3 and p5) Summary

I am now going to define and document a client and user needs for three related graphic images. The client is a family that owns a chain of local shops. The users are existing and potential customers of the shops. The images I need to create are-

A map showing the location of the shops owned by the family to be used for a website and brochure.

A new logo for the chain of shops.

A poster to display in the shops using the logo and selection of photographs of products sold by the shops.

The map showing the location of the shops

This map will show the location of all the shops that the family owns and where they are situated. The target audience would be the potential customers. The map will need to be easy to understand and be large so that potential customers can notice it. The time it will take me to complete this map would be about half a hour and the file size is 3.76 MB I would also like the logo that I have created to be the marker of each of the restaurants located on the map. I will scan in a picture of a map and edit it in PhotoShop. The map will be used for the webpage and for the brochure and will need to be printed. Plus the house colours of blue, white and green will be situated on the map.

The new logo for the food chain

The new logo will need to look professional and have the house colours which will be blue, white and green it will catch the eye of passers by and be simple so customers can recognise it the size of the logo will vary but the one that I am going to make will be 6 inches by 6 inches. The timescale of this logo will also be around an hour and this logo will need to be printed and will also be used on the web pages. The file size of this logo is 364 KB. I took a picture of the trading post logo at leek collage using a digital camera, and edited it on Photoshop.

Poster to display in the shops

The poster will be used to put in all the shops and will show offers that are available it will have to be large about 3ft width and 6ft height. It will have the logo that I have created on the top left hand side of the screen. The colours will be blue, white and green (house colours) the time period for this poster would take me about an hour. And this poster will also include a selection of photographs of food that is sold by the shops. This poster will be printed. The file size of this poster will be 797 KB. This chain sells orgainc food so the poster will have to appeal to the customers and say somthing about the orgainic food they have to offer.

Thursday 8 May 2008

(Towards P4)

Microsoft specification

Microsoft has approached Visual Impact to produce some displays for its stand at a show to be held in the Birmingham NEC publicising its newest operating system. Produce a graphic that could be printed onto a large piece of card to be used on the Microsoft stand. So the graphic I am going to produce is a large graphic that will be put on the wall the specification for this will

Catch the eye of passers by

The colours will be in scope with the original log

Also have to look professional

Also has to look like a banner so the width and height must be correct.


I think I have acheived all of my design needs, it catches the eye of passers by, the colours are in context with the orginal logo, it looks profesional and the width and height settings make it look like a banner.

EnCert specification

EnCert is a new company providing Energy Certificates to homeowners. They require a logo for their website and letterheads. EnCert needs the logo to look professional and make the clients to associate it with energy (gas, electricity, enviorment etc). So I am going to create a logo that must.

The logo is for people with four bedroom houses (so these people may have more money)

Be easy on the eye and easy to remember

Consider colours to use for example green, blue, red etc.

Has to look professional.

1st design

This is the first time I have used PhotoShop and this first design is obviously not good enough as it doesn't look profesional so I had to create a new design.

2nd design

This in my opinion is alot better as it looks more profesional.


I am very happy with my logo beacuse it meets all the critera its easy to remeber, looks professional and the colours are in context green and blue.

Burger and food bar road sign

An organics foods mobile fast-food service has requested a roadside sign. It will be used on a stand so when its van is parked in a lay-by offering quality burgers passing motorists will notice it.

Must catch the eye of passers by

Bright colours to do with food

Must entice customers by showing food

Have a logo of the company in the top left hand side of the screen


Again I think I have created a good sign to entise customers into the burger bar it catches the eye of passers by, shows food to entise the customers, and I have created a logo and put it on the left hand side of the screen I have created a logo so I the burger bar decides to create new stalls the customers may reconise the logo and go to the stall again. I have also added bright colours to do with food (apart from the white writting which iI choose beacuse it stands out more than other colours on this background).