Thursday 19 June 2008

Legal Implications of graphics design P6
Graphics design can be quite a delicate matter when it comes to the law. There are various laws restricting what can and can not be done with other graphics that are on the internet but the laws can change from country to country. So it can be hard to understand and there are ways that people can steal other peoples work without breaking the law.

Copyright means the right to copy. So if somebody produces say a logo it is assumed that it is his/her own work in other words the person has the copyright to create the logo. So anyone else who would wish to use the logo would have to ask the person who created it or seek legal action. Action is manly only taken when there is money being made from someone else’s work. To gain permission to use some else’s work you would have to ask the person who created it. And the person would properly want a pay off for the use of there work this can range from hundreds to millions of pounds.

There are some designs that are copyright free this is basically when the user allows there work to be used freely to anyone. For example user made fonts. The creator will usually have some sort of text near or around the work to identify who the actual owner is. If they are not labelled this could mean they are copyright free or belong to the company or website.

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