Wednesday 12 November 2008

File size and image quality changes D1)


Vector images (.DXF) are angles, percentages basically using mathematics instead of pixels. This means that the file size of a vector image is a lot smaller than the file size of a jpeg image. Vector images keep there quality when resized because mathematics don’t change with larger sized images.
Below is an example of a vector image.

This image is saves as a Gif and you can see how the mathematics are used to create the image, and this is why it can be resized without the loss of quality of image. I am now going to justify the use of using a vector images for example they would be used in websites beacuse the vector images will speed up the download time and the quality of images when resized. But sometimes if the website are trying to sell a very desirable product they may want to use a higher quality image type to get the best quality picture.


As you can see above jpeg images are a lot more detailed when they haven’t been enlarged but when they have the quality becomes a lot worse quality. Jpeg images are much more detailed than vector images, but when resized most of the quality is lost.

There are compression techniques that will compress the file to make it as small as possible for example WinZip. When unzipped the image will be the same file size as it was originally and still have its original characteristics.
Image resolution is the overall detail level in the image; because DXF is a vector image the overall image detail is not as high as it would be if it was a jpeg. The colour depth of an image is the bits per pixel, the more bits in a pixel the more colours that are available more realistic. Vector images don’t use pixels so this doesn’t come into effect until the image is printed, and then its down to the printer defaults.
I am now going to justify what type of way a jpeg images will be used. For example jpeq images are high quality so will be used in glossy magazines beacuse the images are important in magazines and as long as they aren't resized the image will look of high quality.

The impact of evolving output media on the design and creation of graphic images D2)

The impact of evolving output media on the design and creation of graphic images can only be a good thing because it improves the quality of the final product. This evolving media makes the images a lot more clearer and life like. Output media needed to stay one step ahead because gaming was improving at a very high speed so the media had to keep up ready to cope with the next generation of game. But the quality of monitors weren’t as good quality as TV screens, monitors were improving only on things like screen size. Printer’s prices get a lot more expensive when you are looking for a top quality picture, the prices would jump massively for just a small improvement on picture but people will want the best picture possible of the image they have created. Printers have now been able to evolve into scanner, colour copier and a fax machine all in one. This is good if you use all these regularly but you may find that if you just use the printer you will pay a lot of money for a printer of average quality. The options to create the perfect graphic image through output media are endless but you will have to pay the price!
Other forms of evoulving output media are things such as web pages and mobile phones which are static images not moving images like video games and T.V. images. When creating images for web pages the designer will have to consider the output media when creating the images. For example size and image quality also the type of website needs to be taken into consideration if the website is a high quality website selling engagement ring etc the images will have to be of high quality. To tell the quality of a website you will need to look at the layout, design and image quality, websites also use videos alot more now and I imagine there will be a time when every website will have very high quality images beacuse PCs will become more powerful to deal with the images and speed up the download time.